Monday, November 26, 2012

Water Dragon

It was New Year's Day (Nov. 1), and I decided to bring the animal totem cards I use to work.  My office mate, I thought, would enjoy pulling a card to get in touch with the energies of the new year.

As often happens while driving, various thoughts rose to my awareness.  On this day, though, they were painful memories of a very difficult time in my adolescence.  I was flooded with thoughts of anger, pain, hostility, ineffectiveness and incredibly difficult relationships.  I wondered where they were coming from--was Samhain somehow bringing these dark times to my foreground, and what was I meant to learn from them?

I got to work and was able to shake off most of the sadness and discomfort that had clung to me in the car.  I allowed myself the distractions of work and my office mate.  I left the animal totem cards for later in the day.

When I had a few quiet moments, I did indeed spread the cards out and draw.

Water Dragon.

I read from the book:  A water dragon totem brings memories and wishes, perhaps long hidden, to the surface.  By facing painful past experiences, we can achieve a sense of peace and balance in our lives.  This totem gives us courage and compassion in this challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Went back to re-read and saw this post in a much different way. There is a much different energy coming through--maybe due to the subject but maybe due to the transformations you're experiencing. You are a wonderful and remarkable person and I love the way you approach life head-on. The slower energies of winter make it a good time to pause and reflect on the path that brought us to now. Seems that you are doing just that. OK, I feel that I'm just rambling but I was touched by this post and I just had to let you know.
